#!/usr/bin/env bash

# TODO: radeontop can continuously dump to a file, would be fast to just keep
# last line and have this run in the background
gpu_usage="$(radeontop -l 1 -d - | rg --color never -o "gpu (\d+.\d+)" -r '$1')"
gpu_temp="$(sensors | rg 'amdgpu.*mem:\s+\+(\d+\.\d+)' --multiline-dotall --multiline -o -r '$1')"

# NOTE: this is all cpu usage since boot:
# cpu_usage_data_snapshot="$(cat /proc/stat | head -n 1 | cut -d ' ' -f 2- | sd '^\s+' '')"
# function cpu_usage_data() {
# 	echo "$cpu_usage_data_snapshot"
# }
# cpu_usage="$(bc -l <<< "100-(100*($(cpu_usage_data | awk '{printf $4}').0/$(cpu_usage_data | sd " " "+" | bc).0))")"

cpu_idle="$(mpstat --dec=2 "$mpstat_sample_seconds" "$mpstat_samples" | tail -n 1 | field 12)"
cpu_usage="$(echo "100.0-$cpu_idle" | bc -l)"

printf "GPU [USAGE: %6.2f%%] [THERMALS: %6.2f°C]\n" "$gpu_usage" "$gpu_temp"
printf "CPU [USAGE: %6.2f%%] [THERMALS: %6.2f°C]\n" "$cpu_usage" "$cpu_temp"