#!/usr/bin/env fish # This script's purpose is to setup the dotfiles configuration for an existing # and provisioned machine. For provisioning, see `./dotfiles-init`. set dfp (realpath (dirname (status -f))/../..) set lock_file $HOME/.using-lytedev-dotfiles.lock if not test -f $lock_file echo "This will delete existing files. Make sure you know what you're doing." echo 'Are you sure you want to continue? [y/N]' read response set response (string lower $response) if string match $response y echo "agreed" > "$lock_file" else exit 1 end end set -q XDG_CONFIG_HOME || set XDG_CONFIG_HOME $HOME/.config set h $HOME; set c $XDG_CONFIG_HOME if test -d $c/lytedev-env echo "Warning: no environment-specific configuration detected!" end function l -a dot -a target -d "Symlink a dotfile configuration file or directory" if test -L $target || test -f $target || test -d $target rm -rf "$target" end # check if the directory that will contain the link exists set -l d (dirname $target) test -d $d || mkdir -p $d ln -s (pwd)/$dot $target echo Linked $dot to $target end pushd $dfp l common/tmux/conf $h/.tmux.conf test -d ~/.tmux/pluginx/tpm || \ git clone https://github.com/tmux-plugins/tpm ~/.tmux/plugins/tpm l common/zellij $c/zellij l common/fish $c/fish l common/bash/rc $h/.bashrc l common/wezterm $c/wezterm l common/weechat $h/.weechat l common/scim/rc $h/.scimrc l common/scim/lua $h/.scim/lua l common/nnn $c/nnn l common/kak $c/kak l common/helix $c/helix l common/gpg/agent.conf $h/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf chmod og-rwx ~/.gnupg l common/htop/rc $c/htop/htoprc l common/kitty $c/kitty l common/alacritty $c/alacritty l common/pgcli $c/pgcli l common/mutt/rc $h/.muttrc l common/git/config $h/.gitconfig l common/elixir/iex.exs $h/.iex.exs l common/blender/userpref.blend $c/blender/2.93/config/userpref.blend l common/lemonade/config.toml $c/lemonade.toml popd for s in $c/lytedev-env/*/dotfiles-setup.d.fish source $s $dfp $h $c end set -q ENV_PATH || set ENV_PATH $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/lytedev-env set -q DOTFILES_PATH || set DOTFILES_PATH $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/lytedev-dotfiles rm -f $ENV_PATH/empty ln -s $DOTFILES_PATH/common/empty-env $ENV_PATH/empty echo "Dotfiles Installed! Don't forget to setup environments and change the user's shell as needed!" exec fish