set -U XDG_CONFIG_HOME "$HOME/.config" set -U DOTFILES_PATH "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/dotfiles" set -U ENV_DOTFILES_PATH "$DOTFILES_PATH/env" set -U EDFP "$ENV_DOTFILES_PATH" # TODO: better logic for auto-detecting alternative home directories? # 1. check dirname(basename $HOME)) matches username # 2. check if /home/$username set -U NICE_HOME $HOME test (basename $HOME) = .home && set -U NICE_HOME (realpath $HOME/..) test -e $HOME/.nice_home && set -U NICE_HOME (cat $HOME/.nice_home) test -e $EDFP/.nice_home && set -U NICE_HOME (cat $EDFP/.nice_home) # setup paths source $DOTFILES_PATH/apps/shell/fish/ # stop parsing here on a non-interactive shell status --is-interactive || exit # TODO: autocompletions? # TODO: ctrl-r history fzf # TODO: ctrl-p files fzf # TODO: forever history ignoring certain commands # TODO: per-env configuration source $DOTFILES_PATH/apps/shell/fish/ source $DOTFILES_PATH/apps/shell/fish/ source $DOTFILES_PATH/apps/shell/fish/ source $DOTFILES_PATH/apps/shell/fish/ set -U _JAVA_AWT_WM_NONREPARENTING 1 set -U LS_COLORS 'ow=01;36;40' set -U LESS -x2 # less tab size of 2 spaces set -U TERMINAL urxvtc set -U BROWSER firefox-developer-edition set -U ERL_AFLAGS "-kernel shell_history enabled -kernel shell_history_file_bytes 1024000" # iex history # set our EDITOR to neovim if we've got it set -U EDITOR vim if command -v nvim 2>&1 >/dev/null alias vim nvim alias ovim 'command vim' set -U EDITOR nvim end _make_paths command -v fd 2>&1 >/dev/null && set -U FZF_DEFAULT_COMMAND 'fd --type f --hidden --follow --exclude .git' # we assume the user uses "$HOME" to just store their mess of dotfiles and other # nonsense that clutters it up and that they have a preferred starting # directory where they keep the stuff they actually care about # we only do this if the user is opening a shell at $HOME test $PWD = $HOME && cd $NICE_HOME || cd || exit test -f ~/.fzf/shell/ && source ~/.fzf/shell/ if test -d $HOME/.asdf/; and test -f $HOME/.asdf/ source $HOME/.asdf/ else if test -d /opt/asdf-vm/; and test -f /opt/asdf-vm/ source $HOME/opt/asdf-vm/ end