#!/usr/bin/env bash pacaur --needed -S \ neomutt `# Email Client` \ weechat `# IRC Client` \ aria2 `# Downloads Manager` \ tree `# Handy Filesystem Viewing Utility` \ rofi `# Application Launcher` \ ripgrep `# Code Search Utilities` \ fd `# File Search` \ fzf `# Fuzzy File Finder` \ htop `# Process Management and System Resources Monitoring` \ openssh `# Remote Access` \ openssl `# Crypto` \ elixir `# Elixir Language` \ nodejs npm yarn `# Language` \ python python-pip `# Python 3 Language` \ pass `# Password Management` \ firefox-developer-edition `# Default Web Browser` \ rsync `# File Transfer` \ alsa-utils `# Audio Utilities` \ alsa-plugins `# Plugins for ALSA` \ pulseaudio pavucontrol `# Audio Backend and Controls` \ pulseaudio-ctl `# CLI Utility for Pulseaudio` \ neovim vim `# Text Editors` \ unzip `# Handy Utility for ZIP Files` \ xclip xsel `# X Selection & Clipboard Management` \ autocutsel `# Clipboard Helper` \ tmux `# Terminal Multiplexer` \ rxvt-unicode-pixbuf `# Terminal with PixBuf Patches` \ kitty `# Almost Better Terminal Emulator` \ xorg-xinit xorg-server xorg-xrdb `# X Display Server` \ xorg-drivers `# Video Drivers for X` \ xcb-util xcb-util-keysyms xcb-util-wm xorg-xrandr xdotool xorg-xprop `# X Utilties` \ feh `# Image Viewer & Wallpaper Manager` \ unclutter-xfixes-git `# Hides cursor after no use for a time` \ gtk-engine-murrine xorg-server-devel `# GTK Theme Base and Headers?` \ bspwm-git sxhkd-git xdo-git `# Window Manager and Tools for its use` \ wlroots-git sway-git `# Wayland Compositor` \ terminus-font ttf-iosevka-pack `# Primary Fonts` \ ttf-font-awesome `# Icon Font` \ curl `# HTTP Utility` \ w3m `# Viewing Images in Terminals` \ jq `# CLI for Interacting with JSON` \ bash-completion `# Handy Scripts for Tab-Completion in Bash` \ --noconfirm --noedit # install text editor utilities and other python packages sudo pip3 install \ neovim `# Text Editor Plugin Integration` \ jedi `# Text Editor Intelligence Helper` \ mistune `# Markdown Parser` \ psutil `# Process Utilities` \ setproctitle `# Good Name` \ httpie `# HTTP CLI Utility` # install rxvt-unicode script for resizing font on-the-fly mkdir -p "$HOME/.urxvt/ext" curl -L -o "$HOME/.urxvt/ext/resize-font" https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lytedev/urxvt-resize-font/master/resize-font