#!/usr/bin/env sh SPLIT="$SPLIT" TERMINAL="$TERMINAL" USE_SCOPE="${USE_SCOPE:-0}" IN_KITTY=0 [ -n "$KITTY_WINDOW_ID" ] && kitty @ ls --no-response >/dev/null 2>&1 && IN_KITTY=1 if [ -e "${TMUX%%,*}" ] && tmux -V | grep -q '[ -][3456789]\.'; then TERMINAL=tmux elif [ "$IN_KITTY" == 1 ]; then TERMINAL=kitty else TERMINAL="${TERMINAL:-xterm}" fi if [ -z "$SPLIT" ] && [ $(($(tput lines) * 2)) -gt "$(tput cols)" ]; then SPLIT='h' elif [ "$SPLIT" != 'h' ]; then SPLIT='v' fi exists() { which "$1" >/dev/null 2>&1 } fifo_pager() { cmd="$1"; shift tmpfifopath="${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/nnn-preview-tui-fifo.$$" mkfifo "$tmpfifopath" || return $PAGER < "$tmpfifopath" & ( exec > "$tmpfifopath" "$cmd" "$@" & ) rm "$tmpfifopath" } print_bin_info() { printf -- "-------- \033[1;31mBinary file\033[0m --------\n" if exists mediainfo; then mediainfo "$1" 2>/dev/null else file -b "$1" # TODO: hexyl? fi } preview_file () { kill %- %+ 2>/dev/null && wait %- %+ 2>/dev/null clear # Trying to use pistol if it's available. # if [ "$USE_PISTOL" -ne 0 ] && exists pistol; then # fifo_pager pistol "$1" # return # fi # Detecting the exact type of the file: the encoding, mime type, and # extension in lowercase. encoding="$(file -Lb --mime-encoding -- "$1")" mimetype="$(file -Lb --mime-type -- "$1")" ext="${1##*.}" if [ -n "$ext" ]; then ext="$(printf "%s" "${ext}" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')" fi lines=$(($(tput lines)-1)) cols=$(tput cols) # Otherwise, falling back to the defaults. if [ -d "$1" ]; then cd "$1" || return if exists tree; then fifo_pager tree -L 3 -F elif exists exa; then fifo_pager exa -G --colour=always 2>/dev/null else fifo_pager ls --color=always fi elif [ "$encoding" = "binary" ]; then if [ "${mimetype%%/*}" = "image" ] ; then if [ "$IN_KITTY" = "1" ]; then # Kitty terminal users can use the native image preview method. kitty +kitten icat --silent --transfer-mode=stream --stdin=no "$1" & elif exists catimg; then catimg "$1" elif exists viu; then viu -t "$1" else fifo_pager print_bin_info "$1" fi elif [ "$mimetype" = "application/zip" ] ; then fifo_pager unzip -l "$1" elif [ "$ext" = "gz" ] || [ "$ext" = "bz2" ] ; then fifo_pager tar -tvf "$1" else fifo_pager print_bin_info "$1" fi elif [ "$mimetype" = "text/troff" ] ; then fifo_pager man -Pcat -l "$1" else if exists bat; then fifo_pager bat --terminal-width="$cols" --paging=never --decorations=always --color=always \ "$1" 2>/dev/null else $PAGER "$1" & fi fi } if [ "$PREVIEW_MODE" ] ; then if [ ! -r "$NNN_FIFO" ] ; then echo "No FIFO available! (\$NNN_FIFO='$NNN_FIFO')" >&2 read -r exit 1 fi preview_file "$1" # use cat instead of 'exec <' to avoid issues with dash shell # shellcheck disable=SC2002 cat "$NNN_FIFO" | \ while read -r selection ; do preview_file "$selection" done # TODO: detect if file is opened and close preview until back in nnn # Restoring the previous layout for kitty users. This will only work for # kitty >= 0.18.0. if [ "$TERMINAL" = "kitty" ]; then kitty @ last-used-layout --no-response >/dev/null 2>&1 fi exit 0 fi if [ "$TERMINAL" = "tmux" ]; then # tmux splits are inverted if [ "$SPLIT" = "v" ]; then SPLIT="h"; else SPLIT="v"; fi tmux split-window -e "NNN_FIFO=$NNN_FIFO" -e "PREVIEW_MODE=1" -d"$SPLIT" "$0" "$1" elif [ "$TERMINAL" = "kitty" ]; then # Setting the layout for the new window. It will be restored after the # script ends. kitty @ goto-layout splits >/dev/null # Trying to use kitty's integrated window management as the split window. # All environmental variables that will be used in the new window must # be explicitly passed. kitty @ launch --no-response --title "nnn preview" --keep-focus \ --cwd "$PWD" --env "PATH=$PATH" --env "NNN_FIFO=$NNN_FIFO" \ --env "PREVIEW_MODE=1" --env "PAGER=$PAGER" \ --env "USE_SCOPE=$USE_SCOPE" --env "SPLIT=$SPLIT" \ --env "USE_PISTOL=$USE_PISTOL" \ --location "${SPLIT}split" "$0" "$1" >/dev/null else PREVIEW_MODE=1 $TERMINAL -e "$0" "$1" & fi