#!/usr/bin/env bash if grep -E -q '^\[multilib\]$' /etc/pacman.conf; then echo "Multilib Repository Already Enabled!" else echo "Enabling Multilib Repository (with sudo)..." sudo sh -c 'echo -e "\n\n[multilib]\nInclude = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist" >> /etc/pacman.conf' fi yay -Sy --needed --noconfirm \ fwupd \ docker `# Containers` \ ncdu `# Disk Usage Analyzer` \ efibootmgr efivar `# UEFI Boot CLI Stuff` \ weechat `# IRC Client` \ aria2 `# Downloads Manager` \ dmenu `# Application Launcher` \ ripgrep `# Code Search Utilities` \ fd `# File Search` \ exa `# Better ls` \ sd `# Easy Find/Replace` \ bat `# Better Cat` \ fzf `# Fuzzy File Finder` \ htop `# Process Management and System Resources Monitoring` \ openssh mosh `# Remote Access` \ openssl `# Crypto` \ asdf-vm `# Runtime Version Manager` \ pass passff-host `# Password Management` \ hexyl `# CLI Hex Viewer` \ rsync `# File Transfer` \ neovim-nightly-bin `# Text Editors` \ sc-im `# Spreadsheets` \ unzip `# Simple Unzipping` \ tmux `# Terminal Multiplexer` \ kitty `# Almost Better Terminal Emulator` \ curl `# HTTP Utility` \ w3m `# Terminal Browser` \ jq `# CLI for Interacting with JSON` \ httpie `# httpie and neovim dependencies` \ docker docker-compose `# Yummy containers` \ age sops `# Simple Secretes Managements` \ inotify-tools `# Watching` \ fish `# Shell` \ time `# GNU time` \ fortune-mod fortune-mod-archlinux `# Fortune` \ oath-toolkit `# One-Time Passwords` \ sysstat `# System Statistics` \ reflector-simple `# Simplify Mirror Management` \ inetutils `# netutils` \ nnn `# CLI File Manager` \ ntfs-3g `# Windows filesystem stuff` \ man-db man-pages `# Come On, Man!`