#!/usr/bin/env sh export dfp export XDG_CONFIG_HOME="${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}" export ENV_PATH="$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/lytedev-env" export CURDIR dfp="$(realpath "$(dirname "$0")"/../..)" detect_os() { # NixOS if head /etc/os-release --lines 1 | grep 'NixOS$' > /dev/null 2>&1; then ln -s "$dfp/os/linux/nix" "$ENV_PATH/os-linux-nix" > /dev/null 2>&1 return fi # Arch Linux if head /etc/os-release --lines 1 | grep 'Arch Linux' > /dev/null 2>&1; then ln -s "$dfp/os/linux/arch" "$ENV_PATH/os-linux-arch" > /dev/null 2>&1 return fi # Pacman-based if command -v pacman; then ln -s "$dfp/os/linux/arch" "$ENV_PATH/os-linux-arch" > /dev/null 2>&1 return fi # TODO: Debian echo "Failed to auto-detect your OS! Please setup your environments and run this script again." exit 3 } if command -v git > /dev/null 2>&1; then if [ -f "$dfp/common/envs" ]; then # TODO: more shared init stuff? mkdir -p "$ENV_PATH" detect_os ls -la -R "$ENV_PATH/*" find "$ENV_PATH" | while read -r s; do f="$s/dotfiles-init.d.sh" if [ -f "$f" ]; then CURDIR="$s" . "$f" fi done $dfp/common/bin/dotfiles-setup else git clone "https://git.lyte.dev/lytedev/dotfiles.git" "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/lytedev-dotfiles" cd "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/lytedev-dotfiles" || { echo "Could not cd to dotfiles dir" exit 2 } . ./common/bin/dotfiles-init fi else echo "git not installed" exit 1 fi # TODO: run provision script # run_via_dotfiles_if_necessary() { # # clone dotfiles and re-run from repo if we're not in the repo # pushd "$(dirname "$0")" # if git remote get-url origin | grep 'lytedev/dotfiles'; then # echo "Already in dotfiles repo!" # else # echo "Setting up dotfiles for $EUID..." # d="$HOME/.config/lytedev-dotfiles" # mkdir --parents "$d" # rm --recursive --force "$d" # git clone "https://git.lyte.dev/lytedev/dotfiles" "$d" # exec "$d/bin/dotfiles-init" # exit 0 # fi # popd # } # if [ "$EUID" -eq 0 ]; then # if test $is_arch_linux -eq 1; then # pacman -Sy --needed --noconfirm git inetutils openssh sudo # fi # run_via_dotfiles_if_necessary # pushd "$(dirname "$0")/.." # if test $is_nixos -eq 1; then # symlink_nixos_config "$HOME/.config/lytedev-dotfiles/env/nix/" # nix-channel --add https://nixos.org/channels/nixos-unstable nixos-unstable # nix-channel --update # nixos-rebuild switch # this should create the `daniel` user # elif test $is_arch_linux -eq 1; then # ls -la # "env/arch-linux/provision.d/00-add-user.bash" # fi # c=/home/daniel/.home/.config/ # mkdir --parents "$c" # chown -R daniel:users "$c" # cp --recursive . "$c/lytedev-dotfiles" # sudo --user daniel "$c/bin/init-dotfiles" # popd # exit 0 # else # run_via_dotfiles_if_necessary # echo # echo # echo # echo "PREPARING TO GENERATE SSH KEY FOR USER" # echo # echo # echo # pushd "$HOME" # keyfile=".ssh/$(hostname --short)" # echo $keyfile # if ! [ -f "$keyfile" ]; then # mkdir --mode 700 --parents .ssh # chmod 700 .ssh # ls -la .ssh # ssh-keygen -N '' -t ed25519 -f "$keyfile" # mkdir --mode 755 --parents "$NICE_HOME/public" # cp "$keyfile.pub" "$NICE_HOME/public" # fi # popd # if test $is_nixos -eq 1; then # FUNC=$(declare -f symlink_nixos_config) # sudo sh -c "$FUNC; symlink_nixos_config \"$HOME/.config/lytedev-dotfiles/env/nix/\"" # elif test $is_arch_linux -eq 1; then # sudo "$HOME/.config/lytedev-dotfiles/env/arch-linux/provision.sh" # fi # mkdir --parents "$NICE_HOME/img/walls" # curl --silent --output "$NICE_HOME/img/walls/clouds_by_souredapply.png" \ # "https://art.ngfiles.com/images/530000/530895_souredapple_clouds.png" # rm --recursive --force "$HOME/.wallpaper" # ln --symbolic "$NICE_HOME/img/walls/clouds_by_souredapply.png" "$HOME/.wallpaper" # # # TODO: setup ssh/gpg keys # # TODO: setup password store # # pushd "$HOME/.config/lytedev-dotfiles" # git remote set-url origin "ssh://git@git.lyte.dev:2222/lytedev/dotfiles.git" # ./bin/setup-dotfiles # popd # # # nix-channel --add https://github.com/nix-community/home-manager/archive/master.tar.gz home-manager # # nix-channel --update # # nix-shell '<home-manager>' -A install # # # TODO: fetch password store # # TODO: fetch notes database # fi # # echo "Here is this machine's public SSH key:" # echo " $(cat "$HOME/.ssh/$(hostname --short).pub")" # echo "It needs to be added to existing cloud-based git accounts" # echo "and other machines before proceeding." # echo # echo "Don't forget to setup GPG keys by importing from an existing machine" # echo "or adding new child keys!" # if test $is_arch_linux -eq 1; then # echo # echo 'You will need to set a password for your new user.' # fi # echo # echo "The simplest method for doing this is to run the following:" # echo ' scp -r "$TARGET_MACHINE:~/.gnupg" "$HOME/.gnupg'