#!/usr/bin/env bash err() { errpre="" errpost="" if test -t 1; then ncolors=$(tput colors) if test -n "$ncolors" && test $ncolors -ge 8; then errpre="$(tput setaf 1)" errpost="$(tput setaf 7)" fi fi >&2 echo "${errpre}ERROR: $@${errpost}"; usage; exit 1 } warn() { pre="" post="" if test -t 1; then ncolors=$(tput colors) if test -n "$ncolors" && test $ncolors -ge 8; then pre="$(tput setaf 3)" post="$(tput setaf 7)" fi fi >&2 echo "${pre}WARNING: $@${post}" } usage() { >&2 cat <<USAGEDOC usage: email-via-mailgun-smtp [recipient] [subject] [username] [password] <<< 'Hello, world!' email-via-mailgun-smtp will read all the input from stdin and use the contents as the body of the email. recipient will default to DEFAULT_MAILGUN_SMTP_RECIPIENT if not set username will default to DEFAULT_MAILGUN_SMTP_USERNAME if not set password will default to DEFAULT_MAILGUN_SMTP_PASSWORD if not set subject will default to DEFAULT_MAILGUN_SMTP_SUBJECT if not set USAGEDOC } recipient="${1:-$DEFAULT_MAILGUN_SMTP_RECIPIENT}"; shift [[ -z $recipient ]] && err 'No recipient provided.' subject="${1:-$DEFAULT_MAILGUN_SMTP_SUBJECT}"; shift [[ -z $subject ]] && warn 'No subject provided. Leaving blank.' username="${1:-$DEFAULT_MAILGUN_SMTP_USERNAME}"; shift [[ -z $username ]] && err 'No username provided.' password="${1:-$DEFAULT_MAILGUN_SMTP_PASSWORD}"; shift [[ -z $password ]] && err 'No password provided.' warn "Reading email body from stdin..." body="" while read -r line; do body="${body}\n${line}" done [[ -z $body ]] && err 'Body was blank.' echo "Recipient: $recipient" >&2 echo "Finished reading body. Sending email..." swaks --auth \ --server smtp.mailgun.org \ --au "$username" \ --ap "$password" \ --to "$recipient" \ --h-Subject: "$subject" \ --body "$body"