#!/usr/bin/env bash pacaur -S \ gtk-theme-arc-git `# GTK Theme` \ elementary-icon-theme `# GUI File Explorer Icons` \ thunar thunar-volman gvfs `# GUI File Explorer + Volume Management/Auto-Mount Disks)` \ gvfs-smb `# Auto-Detect Samba Shares` \ ttf-opensans ttf-dejavu ttf-liberation `# Fonts` \ avr-libc avr-gcc dfu-programmer dfu-util `# Keyboard Programming Utilities` \ xorg-xbacklight `# Xorg Backlight Control` \ gimp inkscape krita `# Image/Vector Editing Applications` \ audacity `# Audio Editing Application` \ cmake `# Cross-Platform Make` \ irssi `# IRC Client` \ accountsservice `# Mainly for User Avatars with LightDM` \ deluge `# GUI Torrent Client` \ lightdm lightdm-gtk-greeter `# Nice User Login` \ polybar-git `# Bar` \ php \ nginx `# Web Server` \ urxvt-perls-git urxvt-resize-font-git `# rxvt-unicode scripts` \ samba `# Sharing Files with other PCs` \ neofetch `# swag` \ cloc `# For counting lines of code` \ ttf-noto-fonts-simple ttf-noto-fonts-ib noto-fonts-emoji `# Emoji` \ siji-git gohufont artwiz-fonts phallus-fonts-git `# Bitmap Fonts` \ autorandr `# Monitor Helper` \ keybase keybase-gui kbfs `# Keybase Applications` \ discord `# Chat Application` \ --noconfirm --noedit