[package] name = "kodotag-rs" version = "0.1.0" edition = "2021" [dependencies] bevy = { version = "0.14.0", default_features = false, features = [ "bevy_asset", "bevy_audio", "bevy_color", "bevy_state", "bevy_core_pipeline", # rendering pipeline "bevy_render", "bevy_sprite", "bevy_text", # for writing characters to the screen "bevy_ui", "bevy_winit", "multi_threaded", # go faster "png", "x11", # run on non-wayland linuxes too "trace", # tracing is nice "wayland", "wav", # sound files "sysinfo_plugin", # probably will want this for troubleshooting or just surfacing useful information to the gamer (such as FPS?) "bevy_gizmos", # debug geometry? # TODO: would be nice to get this working while developing "dynamic_linking", # NOTE: Features we may want at some point. # "vorbis", # music -- maybe mp3? # "track_change_detection", # for hot-reloading of assets? (scripts?) # "file_watcher", # for hot-reloading of assets? (scripts?) # "serialize" # for saving games or game-related information? # "bevy_dev_tools", # possibly-useful development tools # "detailed_trace", # probably useful troubleshooting information during runtime ] } bevy-inspector-egui = { version = "0.25.1", default_features = false } bevy_ecs_tilemap = "0.14.0" bevy_egui = "0.28.0" bevy_framepace = "0.17.1" egui = "0.28.1" rand = "0.8.5" rand_pcg = "0.3.1" rand_seeder = "0.3.0" [profile.dev] opt-level = 1 [profile.dev.package."*"] opt-level = 3