2021-12-20 09:06:24 -06:00

118 lines
4.4 KiB

import ./common, std/[sequtils, algorithm, sugar, sets, strformat, strutils, tables, options]
BinaryTreeNodePathSegment = enum left, right
BinaryTreeNodePath = seq[BinaryTreeNodePathSegment]
BinaryTreeNodeKind = enum
BinaryTreeNode = ref BinaryTreeNodeObj
BinaryTreeNodeObj = object
case kind: BinaryTreeNodeKind
of leaf: value: uint64
of branch: left, right: BinaryTreeNode
BinaryTreeNodeParseResult = object
node: BinaryTreeNodeObj
parsed_length: uint64
proc parseBinaryTree(s: string): (BinaryTreeNode, uint64) =
case s[0]:
of '0'..'9': result = (BinaryTreeNode(kind: leaf, value: uint8(s[0]) - uint8('0')), 1'u64)
of '[':
let (left, leftLen) = parseBinaryTree(s[1..^1])
let (right, righLen) = parseBinaryTree(s[2+leftLen..^1])
result = (BinaryTreeNode(kind: branch, left: left, right: right), 3'u64 + leftLen + righLen)
echo "unexpected string"
proc nodeAt(node: BinaryTreeNode, path: BinaryTreeNodePath): Option[BinaryTreeNode] =
var curNode = node
for p in path:
if curNode.kind == leaf: return none(BinaryTreeNode)
case p:
of left: curNode = node.left
of right: curNode = node.left
return some(curNode)
proc crawlFor(node: BinaryTreeNode, predicate: (node: BinaryTreeNode, path: BinaryTreeNodePath) -> bool, path: BinaryTreeNodePath = @[], preferredSide: BinaryTreeNodePathSegment = left): Option[BinaryTreeNodePath] =
if node.predicate(path): return some(path)
elif node.kind == branch:
if preferredSide == left:
let lp = path & @[left]
let ln = node.left.crawlFor(predicate, lp, preferredSide)
if ln.isSome: return some(lp)
let rp = path & @[right]
let rn = node.right.crawlFor(predicate, rp, preferredSide)
if rn.isSome: return some(rp)
let rp = path & @[right]
let rn = node.right.crawlFor(predicate, rp, preferredSide)
if rn.isSome: return some(rp)
let lp = path & @[left]
let ln = node.left.crawlFor(predicate, lp, preferredSide)
if ln.isSome: return some(lp)
return none(BinaryTreeNodePath)
when not defined(release):
let (bt, n) = parseBinaryTree("[[1,2],3]")
assert bt.right.value == 3'u64
assert bt.left.left.value == 1'u64
assert bt.left.right.value == 2'u64
assert n == 9
proc valueLeftOf(node: BinaryTreeNode, path: BinaryTreeNodePath): Option[BinaryTreeNodePath] =
var walker = path
while walker.len > 0:
if walker.pop == right:
let subPath = walker & @[left]
echo subPath
let subNode = node.nodeAt(subPath)
if subNode.isSome:
echo subPath, path
echo subNode.get.kind
let candidatePath = subNode.get.crawlFor((n, _) => n.kind == leaf, @[], right)
if candidatePath.isSome: return some(subPath & candidatePath.get)
return none(BinaryTreeNodePath)
when not defined(release):
let (bt, _) = parseBinaryTree("[[1,2],3]")
assert bt.valueLeftOf(@[right]) == some(@[left, right])
assert bt.valueLeftOf(@[left, left]) == none(BinaryTreeNodePath)
assert bt.valueLeftOf(@[left, right]) == some(@[left, left])
let (bt2, _) = parseBinaryTree("[1,[2,3]]")
assert bt2.valueLeftOf(@[right, right]) == some(@[right, left])
assert bt2.valueLeftOf(@[right, left]) == some(@[left])
proc explodeAt(node: var BinaryTreeNode, path: BinaryTreeNodePath) =
# TODO: implement exploding
proc splitAt(node: var BinaryTreeNode, path: BinaryTreeNodePath) =
# TODO: implement exploding
proc p1(input: Lines): uint64 =
var (bt, _) = input[0].parseBinaryTree()
# TODO: iterate over the input, parsing into binary trees
# fold over the binary trees, creating a new btree with each child btree as children
# reduce that btree via explode/split rules
# calculate magnitude
let explodePath = bt.crawlFor((_, p) => p.len() > 4)
let splitPath = bt.crawlFor((n, _) => n.kind == leaf and n.value >= 10)
const input = """
doDayX 18, (n: int) => n.loadInput, p1, p1, (input, 4140'u64, 0'u64)