2021-12-16 17:00:15 -06:00

252 lines
9.1 KiB

#![warn(clippy::all, clippy::pedantic)]
mod common;
use common::{day_input, hex_val};
/// # Panics
/// we may panic
pub fn hex_string_to_bytes(s: &String) -> Vec<u8> {
let bytes = s
.map(|(_, ct)| Ok(hex_val(ct[0])? << 4 | hex_val(ct[1])?))
.collect::<Result<Vec<u8>, &'static str>>()
println!("Hex String: {}", s);
bytes.iter().for_each(|b| println!("{:#010b}", b));
/// # Errors
/// lots of them
/// # Panics
/// whenever I want
pub fn parse_bytes_from_bits(bytes: &[u8], bit_offset: usize, length: u8) -> Result<u64, &'static str> {
if length > 64 {
return Err("cannot parse bytes with length > 64");
// first chunk
let mut result = 0u64;
let start = bit_offset;
let end = bit_offset + usize::from(length);
let first_offset = start % 8;
// println!("Start: {}, End: {}", start, end);
let first_chunk_size = if first_offset + usize::from(length) >= 8 { 8 - (start % 8) } else { end - start };
let byte_offset = bit_offset / 8;
/* println!("{:?}", vec![
(8 - first_chunk_size - first_offset),
usize::from(bytes[byte_offset] << first_offset >> first_offset >> (8 - first_chunk_size - first_offset))
]); */
result += u64::from(bytes[byte_offset] << first_offset >> first_offset >> (8 - first_chunk_size - first_offset));
// middle bytes
let num_bytes = (first_offset + usize::from(length) + 7) / 8;
// println!("Num Bytes: {}, Bit Offset: {}, Length: {}", num_bytes, bit_offset, length);
for n in 1..(num_bytes - 1) {
result <<= 8;
result += u64::from(bytes[byte_offset + n]);
// println!("After Mid Byte: {:#066b}", result);
// last chunk
if num_bytes > 1 {
let bits_so_far = first_chunk_size + ((num_bytes - 2) * 8);
let bits_left = usize::from(length) - bits_so_far;
// println!("left: {}", bits_left);
let cutoff = 8 - bits_left;
let last_byte_index = byte_offset + num_bytes - 1;
let byte = bytes[last_byte_index];
let addend = byte >> cutoff;
result <<= bits_left;
result += u64::from(addend);
// println!("After Last Byte: {:#066b} ({}: {}) {} {:#010b}", result, last_byte_index, byte, cutoff, addend);
println!(" -> BFROMB Result: {:#066b} ({}->{} [{}] across {} bytes)", result, start, end, length, num_bytes);
struct BITSLiteralValue {
value: u64
enum BITSLengthType {
struct BITSOperator {
length_type: BITSLengthType,
length: u64,
subpackets: Vec<BITSPacket>,
enum BITSValue {
pub struct BITSPacket {
version: u8,
packet_type: u8,
inner: BITSValue,
struct ParsedPacket {
bits_parsed: usize,
packet: BITSPacket,
fn parse_packet(bytes: &[u8], packet_start_bit: usize) -> Result<ParsedPacket, &'static str> {
println!("PARSE PACKET at {}", packet_start_bit);
let version = parse_bytes_from_bits(bytes, packet_start_bit, 3)?;
let packet_type = parse_bytes_from_bits(bytes, packet_start_bit + 3, 3)?;
println!("Processing packet with version {0} of type {2} at bit_index {1}", version, packet_start_bit, packet_type);
if packet_type == 4 {
let mut bit_index = packet_start_bit + 6;
let mut value = 0u64;
loop {
let value_segment = parse_bytes_from_bits(bytes, bit_index, 5)?;
value = (value << 4) & (value_segment & 0b1111);
println!("Literal Value Segment at {}...", bit_index);
bit_index += 5;
if value_segment < 0b10000u64 { break; }
println!("PARSE PACKET DONE (at {})", packet_start_bit);
Ok(ParsedPacket {
bits_parsed: bit_index - packet_start_bit,
packet: BITSPacket {
version: version.to_le_bytes()[0],
packet_type: packet_type.to_le_bytes()[0],
inner: BITSValue::LiteralValue(BITSLiteralValue { value }),
} else if parse_bytes_from_bits(bytes, packet_start_bit + 6, 1)? == 0u64 {
let length = parse_bytes_from_bits(bytes, packet_start_bit + 7, 15)?;
println!("Length in bits: {}", length);
// ignore subpackets parsing in this case
// 7 bits for the version, type, and length_type header, 15 bits of length, and
// 8 bits to ensure we're on the next packet boundary
let mut subpacket_bits = 0usize;
let mut subpackets = vec![];
while u64::try_from(subpacket_bits).unwrap() < length {
let pp = parse_packet(bytes, packet_start_bit + 7 + 15 + subpacket_bits)?;
subpacket_bits += pp.bits_parsed;
println!("PARSE PACKET DONE (at {})", packet_start_bit);
Ok(ParsedPacket {
bits_parsed: 7 + 15 + subpacket_bits,
packet: BITSPacket {
version: version.to_le_bytes()[0],
packet_type: packet_type.to_le_bytes()[0],
inner: BITSValue::Operator(BITSOperator {
length_type: BITSLengthType::SubpacketCount,
} else {
// 11 bits of length
let length = parse_bytes_from_bits(bytes, packet_start_bit + 7, 11)?;
println!("Length in subpackets: {}", length);
let mut bit_index = packet_start_bit + 7 + 11;
let mut subpackets = vec![];
for _ in 0..length {
let pp = parse_packet(bytes, bit_index)?;
bit_index += pp.bits_parsed;
println!("PARSE PACKET DONE (at {})", packet_start_bit);
// 7 bits for the version, type, and length_type header, 11 bits of length, and
// 8 bits to ensure we're on the next packet boundary
Ok(ParsedPacket {
bits_parsed: bit_index - packet_start_bit,
packet: BITSPacket {
version: version.to_le_bytes()[0],
packet_type: packet_type.to_le_bytes()[0],
inner: BITSValue::Operator(BITSOperator {
length_type: BITSLengthType::SubpacketBits,
/// # Panics
/// anytime I want
pub fn packet_version_sum(packet: BITSPacket) -> u64 {
// bytes.iter().for_each(|b| println!("{:#010b}", b));
if let BITSValue::Operator(p) = packet.inner {
let mut result = 0u64;
for p in p.subpackets {
result += packet_version_sum(p);
result + u64::from(packet.version)
} else {
fn main() {
let bytes = hex_string_to_bytes(&day_input(16));
bytes.iter().for_each(|b| println!("{:#010b}", b));
let packet = parse_packet(&bytes, 0).unwrap().packet;
// println!("{:#?}", packet);
let version_sum = packet_version_sum(packet);
println!("Sum of packet versions: {:?}", version_sum);
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn packet_version_sum_examples() {
let tester = |s: &str| packet_version_sum(parse_packet(&hex_string_to_bytes(&s.to_string()), 0).unwrap().packet);
assert_eq!(tester("8A004A801A8002F478"), 16);
assert_eq!(tester("620080001611562C8802118E34"), 12);
assert_eq!(tester("C0015000016115A2E0802F182340"), 23);
assert_eq!(tester("A0016C880162017C3686B18A3D4780"), 31);
fn parse_bytes_from_bits_examples() {
let v: Vec<u8> = vec![0b0011_0011, 0b0100_1111, 0b1101_1011, 0b1001_1010];
// assert_eq!(0b1100_1011u8 >> 9u8, 0b0);
// assert_eq!(0b1100_1011u8 >> 8u8, 0b0);
assert_eq!(0b1100_1011u8 >> 7u8, 0b1);
assert_eq!(parse_bytes_from_bits(&v, 2, 1), Ok(0b1));
assert_eq!(parse_bytes_from_bits(&v, 2, 2), Ok(0b11));
assert_eq!(parse_bytes_from_bits(&v, 1, 2), Ok(0b01));
assert_eq!(parse_bytes_from_bits(&v, 0, 3), Ok(0b001));
assert_eq!(parse_bytes_from_bits(&v, 0, 8), Ok(0b0011_0011u64));
assert_eq!(parse_bytes_from_bits(&v, 2, 8), Ok(0b1100_1101u64));
assert_eq!(parse_bytes_from_bits(&v, 6, 8), Ok(0b1101_0011u64));
assert_eq!(parse_bytes_from_bits(&v, 7, 10), Ok(0b10_1001_1111u64));
assert_eq!(parse_bytes_from_bits(&v, 7, 3), Ok(0b101u64));
assert_eq!(parse_bytes_from_bits(&v, 6, 3), Ok(0b110u64));
assert_eq!(parse_bytes_from_bits(&v, 22, 3), Ok(0b111u64));
assert_eq!(parse_bytes_from_bits(&v, 7, 20), Ok(0b1010_0111_1110_1101_1100u64));
assert_eq!(parse_bytes_from_bits(&v, 15, 12), Ok(0b1110_1101_1100u64));
assert_eq!(parse_bytes_from_bits(&v, 18, 3), Ok(0b011u64));