63 lines
1.5 KiB
63 lines
1.5 KiB
-- https://adventofcode.com/2019/day/2
require "common"
-- setup intcode tape
build_tape = =>
counter = 1
tape = {}
for n in @\gmatch "%d+"
tape[counter] = tonumber n
counter += 1
clone_tape = => {k,v for k,v in ipairs @}
-- gets the value at the index indicated by the value at the given index
get_by_ival = (n) => @[@[n] + 1]
-- sets the value at the index indicated by the value at the given index
set_by_ival = (n, v) => @[@[n] + 1] = v
-- returns a function that applies the given function against the values found
-- at the indexes indicated in the next two elements of the tape in the tape and
-- stores the result in the index indicated by the value at 3 plus the current
-- index
-- binary store operation
binary_store_op = (f) ->
(p) =>
result = f get_by_ival(@, p + 1), get_by_ival(@, p + 2)
set_by_ival @, p + 3, result
result, 4
run = (ops) =>
i = 1
while i <= #@
print "TAPE"
s = ""
for i, v in ipairs @
s = s .. tostring(v) .. " "
print s
print "END TAPE"
print #@
print @[i], @[i + 1], @[i + 2], @[@[i + 1] + 1], @[@[i + 2] + 1], @[i + 3]
result, jump = ops[@[i]](@, i)
if result == EXIT
print EXIT
i += math.max jump, 1
ops =
[1]: binary_store_op (x, y) -> x + y
[2]: binary_store_op (x, y) -> x * y
[99]: -> EXIT, 1
tape = build_tape input_for_day 2
-- tape = build_tape "1,9,10,70,2,3,11,0,99,30,40,50"
-- tape = build_tape "1,1,1,4,99,5,6,0,99"
new_tape = run clone_tape(tape), ops
print "Day 2, Part 1", new_tape[1]