
68 lines
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pub use std::fs::File;
pub use std::io::Read;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::{env, io};
enum InputFileError {
/// Ensures that the input file exists
fn ensure_input_file(day: u8) -> Result<PathBuf, InputFileError> {
let path = Path::new(&env::var("HOME").map_err(InputFileError::VarError)?)
.join(format!("./.cache/aoc2023/{0}.input", day));
if !path.exists() {
eprintln!("Running input downloaded script with day arg {}...", day);
.args(["../", &day.to_string()])
/// Useful when you simply want the day's input as a String.
pub fn day_input(day: u8) -> String {
let mut buffer = String::new();
.read_to_string(&mut buffer)
.expect(&format!("invalid utf8 input for day {}", day));
/// Useful when you want the day's input for streaming for maximum performance nonsense
pub fn day_input_file(day: u8) -> File {
let f = ensure_input_file(day).expect(&format!("Failed to ensure input for day {}", day));
File::open(&f).expect(format!("Failed to open file {}", f.display()).as_str())
pub trait AoCSolution {
type Input;
type Solution: std::fmt::Debug + std::cmp::PartialEq + std::fmt::Display;
// Are part1 and part2 solutions _always_ the same?
fn part1(input: Self::Input) -> Self::Solution;
fn part2(input: Self::Input) -> Self::Solution;
fn show(i1: Self::Input, i2: Self::Input) {
println!("Part 1: {}", Self::part1(i1));
println!("Part 2: {}", Self::part2(i2));
pub trait AoCSolutionTest: AoCSolution {
const PART1_TEST_INPUT: Self::Input;
const PART2_TEST_INPUT: Self::Input;
const PART1_TEST_RESULT: Self::Solution;
const PART2_TEST_RESULT: Self::Solution;
fn assert_valid() {
assert_eq!(Self::part1(Self::PART1_TEST_INPUT), Self::PART1_TEST_RESULT);
assert_eq!(Self::part2(Self::PART2_TEST_INPUT), Self::PART2_TEST_RESULT);