2021-12-13 09:53:03 -06:00

60 lines
2.1 KiB

import std/[streams, sequtils, strutils, sugar, strformat, times, httpclient, os, options]
const YEAR = getEnv("AOC_YEAR", "2021").parseInt()
proc getCookie(): string = "~/.advent-of-code-auth-cookie".expandTilde().readFile()
proc getCacheDir(): string = joinPath(expandTilde("~/.cache"), fmt"/aoc{YEAR}")
proc inputFilePath(day: int): string = joinPath(getCacheDir(), fmt"{day}.input")
proc fetchInput(day: int, filePath: string): StringStream =
let client = newHttpClient()
client.headers = {"cookie": getCookie()}.newHttpHeaders()
let content = client.getContent(fmt"{YEAR}/day/{day}/input")
proc inputStream*(day: int): Stream =
let cachedFile = day.inputFilePath()
if not cachedFile.fileExists(): day.fetchInput(cachedFile)
else: openFileStream(cachedFile)
proc toInts*(s: seq[string]): seq[int] =
proc loadInputText*(day: int): string = day.inputFilePath().readFile().strip()
proc loadInput*(day: int): seq[string] =
result = collect:
for l in day.inputStream().lines(): l
template time*(i: string, body: untyped): untyped =
let start = cpuTime()
let stop = cpuTime()
let diff = $((stop - start) * 1000)
echo i & " took " & diff & "ms to process input file and calculate solution"
when not defined(release):
echo "NOTE: This is not a real measurement of performance. Compile in release mode with -d:release for best performance."
proc doDay*[T](
day: int,
inputLoader: int -> T,
part1: T -> int,
part2: T -> int,
testInput: T,
expectedPart1: int,
expectedPart2: int): void =
time(&"day {day} part 1"): echo day.inputLoader().part1()
time(&"day {day} part 2"): echo day.inputLoader().part2()
when not defined(release):
doAssert testInput.part1() == expectedPart1
doAssert testInput.part2() == expectedPart2
proc reduce*[T, X](s: openArray[T], op: (X, T) -> X, init: X): X =
result = init
for n in s: result = op(result, n)
proc findFirst*[T](s: openArray[T], op: (T) -> bool): T =
for n in s:
if op(n): return n