import ./common, std/[strutils, hashes, sugar, strformat] proc p1(input: Lines): uint64 = var h = input.len var w = input[0].len var cukes = input while true: var nextCukes = cukes let startHash = cukes.hash for y,line in cukes.pairs: for x,c in line.pairs: let tx = if x >= w - 1: 0 else: x + 1 if c == '>' and cukes[y][tx] == '.': nextCukes[y][x] = '.' nextCukes[y][tx] = '>' cukes = nextCukes for y,line in cukes.pairs: for x,c in line.pairs: let ty = if y >= h - 1: 0 else: y + 1 if c == 'v' and cukes[ty][x] == '.': nextCukes[y][x] = '.' nextCukes[ty][x] = 'v' inc result if nextCukes.hash == startHash: break cukes = nextCukes proc p2(input: Lines): uint64 = 0 doDayX 25, (n: int) => n.loadInput, p1, p2, ("""v...>>.vv> .vv>>.vv.. >>.>v>...v >>v>>.>.v. v>v.vv.v.. >.>>..v... .vv..>.>v. v.v..>>v.v ....v..v.>""".split('\n'), 58'u64, 0'u64)