#!/usr/bin/env sh AOC_YEAR="${AOC_YEAR:-2024}" if [ "$#" -lt 1 ]; then echo "Error: No day provided" exit 1 fi DAY="$1" f="$HOME/.cache/aoc$AOC_YEAR/$DAY.input" if [ -f "$f" ]; then echo "Skip: File already exists" exit 0 fi url="https://adventofcode.com/$AOC_YEAR/day/$DAY/input" cookie_file="$HOME/.advent-of-code-session-cookie" if [[ ! -f "$cookie_file" ]]; then echo "Cookie file not found: $cookie_file" exit 1 fi cookie="$(cat "$cookie_file")" mkdir -p "$(dirname "$f")" if curl -s --fail-with-body -X GET "$url" -H "Cookie:$cookie" > "$f"; then cat "$f" echo "Downloaded $url to $f - contents have been output to this terminal as well" exit 0 else echo "Error: curl failed (are you sure the input is available now?)" rm -f "$f" exit 1 fi