# 2021 This year, I've been tinkering a lot with [Deno][deno] as a [TypeScript][ts] runtime and have been really enjoying it. I'm hoping to write this year's AoC solutions using it. Specifically, here's my `deno --version` output: $ deno --version deno 1.16.3 (release, x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu) v8 typescript 4.4.2 It looks like I'm also doing some of these in Nim. $ nim --version Nim Compiler Version 1.6.0 [Linux: amd64] Compiled at 2021-10-19 Copyright (c) 2006-2021 by Andreas Rumpf git hash: 727c6378d2464090564dbcd9bc8b9ac648467e38 active boot switches: -d:release And I decided part way through to do some Rust. $ rustc --version rustc 1.58.0-beta.2 (0e07bcb68 2021-12-04) Enjoy! ## Usage Run these solutions like so from their respective directories: deno run --unstable --allow-all $DAY.ts And the Nim ones like so: nim c -d:release -d:ssl --run day$DAY.nim And Rust: rustc -O --out-dir build day$DAY.rs && ./build/day$DAY And if you want to measure memory usage with Deno programs: mkdir -p build deno compile --output build/$DAY --unstable --allow-all $DAY.ts /usr/bin/time -v ./build/$DAY Or for Nim programs: mkdir -p build nim c -d:release -d:ssl --outdir:build day$DAY.nim /usr/bin/time -v ./day$DAY And similarly for Rust: rustc -O --out-dir build day$DAY.rs /usr/bin/time -v ./build/day$DAY # Days - [x] Day 1: [Deno](./deno/1.ts), [Nim](./nim/day1.nim) - [x] Day 2: [Deno](./deno/2.ts), [Nim](./nim/day2.nim) - [x] Day 3: [Deno](./deno/3.ts), [Nim](./nim/day3.nim) - [x] Day 4: [Nim](./nim/day4.nim) - [x] Day 5: [Nim](./nim/day5.nim) - [x] Day 6: [Nim](./nim/day6.nim) - [x] Day 7: [Nim](./nim/day7.nim) - [x] Day 8: [Nim](./nim/day8.nim) - [x] Day 9: [Nim](./nim/day9.nim) - [x] Day 10: [Nim](./nim/day10.nim) - [x] Day 11: [Nim](./nim/day11.nim) - [x] Day 12: [Nim](./nim/day12.nim) - [x] Day 13: [Nim](./nim/day13.nim) - [x] Day 14: [Nim](./nim/day14.nim) - [x] Day 15: [Nim](./nim/day15.nim) - [ ] Day 16 - [ ] Day 17 - [ ] Day 18 - [ ] Day 19 - [ ] Day 20 - [ ] Day 21 - [ ] Day 22 - [ ] Day 23 - [ ] Day 24 - [ ] Day 25 [deno]: https://deno.land/ [ts]: https://deno.land/manual/typescript