import streams, strutils, sets, sequtils, sugar, re, tables let validators = toTable({ "hcl": (v: string) => v.match re"^#[0-9a-f]{6}$", "ecl": (v: string) => v.match re"^(amb|blu|brn|gry|grn|hzl|oth)$", "pid": (v: string) => v.match re"^\d{9}$", "byr": (v: string) => parseInt(v) in 1920..2002, "iyr": (v: string) => parseInt(v) in 2010..2020, "eyr": (v: string) => parseInt(v) in 2020..2030, "hgt": proc (v: string): bool = let (mn, mx) = if v.endsWith("cm"): (150, 193) else: (59, 76) v.match(re"^\d+(cm|in)$") and v.replace(re"[^0-9]").parseInt in, "cid": (v: string) => true, }) proc parsePassports(s: Stream): seq[Table[string, string]] = s.readAll().split("\n\n").mapIt(it.replace("\n", " ").split(' ') .filterIt(it != "").mapIt(it.split(':', 2)).mapIt((it[0], it[1])).toTable) proc hasRequiredFields(p: Table[string, string]): bool = toSeq(validators.keys).toHashSet.difference(["cid"].toHashSet) <= toSeq(p.keys).toHashSet proc part1*(s: Stream): int = s.parsePassports.filterIt(it.hasRequiredFields).len proc part2*(s: Stream): int = s.parsePassports.filterIt(it.hasRequiredFields and toSeq(it.pairs).mapIt(validators[it[0]](it[1])).foldl(a and b)).len