# Rust Advent of Code 2024 Solutions ## Competing I compete very lightly. I use [my `at` script][at] like `at 2022-12-02 && ../ fetch-input.sh 2` to fetch input as soon as it's available and I use `watchexec -e rs 'clear; cargo test --bin day2 && cargo run --bin day2'` to run my code with tests as I edit them. ## Running ### Debug ```bash cargo run --bin day1 ``` ### Tests ```bash cargo test --bin day1 ``` ### Release Mode For speeeeeed! ```bash cargo build --release --bin day1 time ./target/release/day1 ``` ### Everything You can use this `fish` script to build all binaries in release mode and run/ time them all: ```fish cargo build --release --bins time for f in (fd 'day.' target/release/ --type executable --max-depth 1); echo $f; time $f; end ``` [at]: https://git.lyte.dev/lytedev/nix/src/branch/main/modules/home-manager/scripts/common/bin/at