import { readLines } from "./deps.ts"; // Day 1 /* * This solution is relatively simple. Keep track of the last depth we measured * in `lastDepth` (skipping the first line of input by defaulting it to * `Number.MAX_VALUE`) and compare it to each line of input as we read it. Once * we've compared, set the `lastDepth` to the current depth for the next * iteration. * * This solution should be O(n) for compute and O(n) for memory since we * iterate the input once and only read a line at a time, we actually have O(1) * memory, but since the input is on disk, that's kind of unfair to say. */ let part1Increases = 0; let lastDepth = Number.MAX_VALUE; for await (const depthString of readLines(await"1.input"))) { const depth = parseInt(depthString); if (depth > lastDepth) part1Increases++; lastDepth = depth; } console.log("Number of depth increases (Part 1):", part1Increases); // Day 2 /* * Since the windows we need to compare overlap, we really only need to compare * the values unique to each window, which will be the first of the first window * and the last of the last window. Since the windows have size 3, we really * only need to compare a value with the "three-lines-ago" value. This solution * otherwise is identical to the previous one. */ let part2Increases = 0; const WINDOW_SIZE = 3; const input = readLines(await"1.input")); // TODO: use a proper FIFO queue data structure for this? // read the first `WINDOW_SIZE` values from our input in preparation let window: number[] = await Promise.all(Array.from( Array(WINDOW_SIZE), async (_x, _i) => parseInt((await, )); for await (const depthString of input) { const depth = parseInt(depthString); // compare the current depth to the depth we read `WINDOW_SIZE` ago if (depth > window[0]) part2Increases++; // now we push the current depth onto the window and cut the one we just compared off // TODO: if this was a proper queue, we could just push it on the queue and // expect the first-in value to fall out window = window.slice(1); window.push(depth); } console.log("Number of summed depth increases (Part 2):", part2Increases);