Cleanup and add day 8 part 2
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 52 additions and 36 deletions
@ -8,5 +8,5 @@ proc solve_for_day(n: int) {.used.} =
echo solvers[n]()
when isMainModule:
# solve_all()
# solve_for_day(8)
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ nc <- {\d} ' ' c ' bag' 's'? ', '?
c <- {\ident ' ' \ident}
let target = "shiny gold"
iterator asParsed(s: Stream): (string, seq[string]) =
for l in s.lines:
if l =~ parser:
@ -17,10 +18,8 @@ iterator asParsed(s: Stream): (string, seq[string]) =
proc walkUp(t: TableRef[string, HashSet[string]], tar: string): HashSet[string] =
if t.contains(tar):
let parents = t[tar]
echo parents
result = parents
for p in parents:
echo p
result = result + t.walkUp(p)
proc part1*(s: Stream): int =
@ -30,7 +29,7 @@ proc part1*(s: Stream): int =
for p in parents:
if t.contains(p): t[p].incl(key)
else: t[p] = [key].toHashSet()
t.walkUp("shiny gold").len
proc walkDown(t: TableRef[string, TableRef[string, int]], tar: string): int =
let children = t[tar]
@ -43,9 +42,8 @@ iterator asPairChunks(s: seq[string]): (string, int) =
proc part2*(s: Stream): int =
var t = newTable[string, TableRef[string, int]]()
for (key, parsed) in s.asParsed:
echo key, parsed
var innert = newTable[string, int]()
for (innerkey, n) in parsed.asPairChunks:
innert[innerkey] = n
t[key] = innert
t.walkDown "shiny gold"
t.walkDown target
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
import streams, strutils, sequtils, sets
import streams, strutils, sequtils, sets, options, strformat, tables
InstructionType = enum nop acc jmp
@ -9,48 +9,66 @@ type
bootcode: seq[Instruction]
acc: int
pointer: int
running: bool
proc newHandheld(bootcode: seq[Instruction], acc = 0, pointer = 0, running = true): HandheldState =
HandheldState(bootcode: bootcode, acc: acc, pointer: pointer, running: running)
proc `$`(i: Instruction): string = return fmt"{i.instruction} {i.arg}"
proc `$`(h: HandheldState): string = return fmt"@{h.pointer} ({h.acc}): {h.bootcode}"
proc statusString(h: HandheldState): string =
let i = h.bootcode[h.pointer]
fmt"{h.pointer}: {i.instruction} {i.arg} ({h.acc})"
proc newHandheld(bootcode: seq[Instruction], acc = 0, pointer = 0): HandheldState =
HandheldState(bootcode: bootcode, acc: acc, pointer: pointer)
proc instructions(s: Stream): seq[Instruction] =
toSeq(s.lines).mapIt(it.split).mapIt(Instruction(instruction: parseEnum[InstructionType](it[0]), arg: parseInt(it[1].replace("+"))))
proc stepHandheld(state: var HandheldState) =
if state.pointer >= state.bootcode.len:
echo "Reached end of instructions"
state.running = false
proc stepHandheld(state: var HandheldState): bool =
if state.pointer >= state.bootcode.len: return true
let i = state.bootcode[state.pointer]
case i.instruction:
of acc: inc state.acc, i.arg
of jmp: inc state.pointer, i.arg; return
of jmp: inc state.pointer, i.arg; return false
else: discard
inc state.pointer
proc bootHandheld(h: var HandheldState): bool =
var hasRun = initHashSet[int]()
while h.pointer <= h.bootcode.len:
if h.stepHandheld(): return true
if hasRun.contains h.pointer: return false
hasRun.incl h.pointer
proc part1*(s: Stream): int =
var hasRun = initHashSet[int]()
var handheld = newHandheld(s.instructions)
while handheld.running:
stepHandheld handheld
if hasRun.contains handheld.pointer: return handheld.acc
hasRun.incl handheld.pointer
var h = s.instructions.newHandheld
if not h.bootHandheld: return h.acc
proc correctingHandheld(state: var HandheldState) =
if state.pointer >= state.bootcode.len:
echo "Reached end of instructions"
state.running = false
let i = state.bootcode[state.pointer]
case i.instruction:
of acc: inc state.acc, i.arg
of jmp: inc state.pointer, i.arg; return
proc flipped(h: var HandheldState): HandheldState =
var nbc = h.bootcode.deepCopy
case h.bootcode[h.pointer].instruction:
of nop: nbc[h.pointer].instruction = jmp
of jmp: nbc[h.pointer].instruction = nop
else: discard
inc state.pointer
proc altHandheld(h: var HandheldState): Option[HandheldState] =
case h.bootcode[h.pointer].instruction:
of acc: return none(HandheldState)
of jmp, nop: some(h.flipped)
proc part2*(s: Stream): int =
var alts = initTable[int, HandheldState]()
var h = s.instructions.newHandheld
var hasRun = initHashSet[int]()
var handheld = newHandheld(s.instructions)
while handheld.running:
stepHandheld handheld
if hasRun.contains handheld.pointer: return handheld.acc
hasRun.incl handheld.pointer
while h.pointer <= h.bootcode.len:
var alt = h.altHandheld
if alt.isSome: alts[h.pointer] = alt.get
discard h.stepHandheld()
if hasRun.contains h.pointer: break
hasRun.incl h.pointer
#for i in 1..<alts.len:
var c = 0
for k,v in alts.pairs:
var ah = alts[k]
if ah.bootHandheld: return ah.acc
inc c
Add table
Reference in a new issue