Pausing work on day8p2
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 42 additions and 13 deletions
@ -2,26 +2,55 @@ import streams, strutils, sequtils, sets
InstructionType = enum nop acc jmp
Instruction = ref object of RootObj
Instruction = object
instruction: InstructionType
arg: int
HandheldState = object
bootcode: seq[Instruction]
acc: int
pointer: int
running: bool
proc newHandheld(bootcode: seq[Instruction], acc = 0, pointer = 0, running = true): HandheldState =
HandheldState(bootcode: bootcode, acc: acc, pointer: pointer, running: running)
proc instructions(s: Stream): seq[Instruction] =
toSeq(s.lines).mapIt(it.split).mapIt(Instruction(instruction: parseEnum[InstructionType](it[0]), arg: parseInt(it[1].replace("+"))))
proc stepHandheld(state: var HandheldState) =
if state.pointer >= state.bootcode.len:
echo "Reached end of instructions"
state.running = false
let i = state.bootcode[state.pointer]
case i.instruction:
of acc: inc state.acc, i.arg
of jmp: inc state.pointer, i.arg; return
else: discard
inc state.pointer
proc part1*(s: Stream): int =
var hasRun = initHashSet[int]()
var p = 0
let code = s.instructions
while true:
if hasRun.contains p: return result
hasRun.incl p
let i = code[p]
case i.instruction:
of acc: inc result, i.arg
of jmp: p += i.arg; continue
else: discard
inc p
var handheld = newHandheld(s.instructions)
while handheld.running:
stepHandheld handheld
if hasRun.contains handheld.pointer: return handheld.acc
hasRun.incl handheld.pointer
proc correctingHandheld(state: var HandheldState) =
if state.pointer >= state.bootcode.len:
echo "Reached end of instructions"
state.running = false
let i = state.bootcode[state.pointer]
case i.instruction:
of acc: inc state.acc, i.arg
of jmp: inc state.pointer, i.arg; return
else: discard
inc state.pointer
proc part2*(s: Stream): int =
var hasRun = initHashSet[int]()
var handheld = newHandheld(s.instructions)
while handheld.running:
stepHandheld handheld
if hasRun.contains handheld.pointer: return handheld.acc
hasRun.incl handheld.pointer
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