Day 19 done
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 68 additions and 45 deletions
@ -2,67 +2,90 @@ import ./common, std/[sequtils, algorithm, sugar, sets, strformat, strutils, tab
Vec3 = array[3, int]
BeaconPositions = seq[Vec3]
Sensors = seq[BeaconPositions]
Transform = array[3, (0..2, int)]
Beacons = seq[Vec3]
Scanner = (Option[Vec3], Beacons)
Vec3Pair = array[2, Vec3]
DumbDistTable = TableRef[int, Vec3Pair]
iterator permuteTransforms(p: Vec3): seq[Vec3] =
const TRANSFORMS: seq[Transform] = collect:
let x: 0..2 = 0
let y: 0..2 = 1
let z: 0..2 = 2
for xs in [-1, 1]:
for ys in [-1, 1]:
for zs in [-1, 1]:
for t in [[x, y, z], [x, z, y], [y, x, z], [y, z, x], [z, x, y], [z, y, x]]:
[(t[0], xs), (t[1], ys), (t[2], zs)]
proc dumbDist(a: Vec3, b: Vec3): int =
result = abs(a[0]-b[0]) + abs(a[1]-b[1]) + abs(a[2]-b[2])
# echo &"dumbDist: {result} from {a} to {b}"
proc `*`(v: Vec3, t: Transform): Vec3 = [v[t[0][0]] * t[0][1], v[t[1][0]] * t[1][1], v[t[2][0]] * t[2][1]]
proc `+`(a: Vec3, b: Vec3): Vec3 = [a[0] + b[0], a[1] + b[1], a[2] + b[2]]
proc `-`(a: Vec3, b: Vec3): Vec3 = [a[0] - b[0], a[1] - b[1], a[2] - b[2]]
proc parse(s: string): Vec3 =
let l = s.split(",", 3).map parseInt
[l[0], l[1], l[2]]
proc parse(l: openArray[string]): Sensors =
proc parse(l: openArray[string]): seq[Scanner] =
var sb: seq[Vec3] = @[]
for line in l:
if line == "":
result.add sb
result.add (none(Vec3), sb)
elif line[0] == '-' and line[1] == '-':
sb = @[]
else: sb.add line.parse
result.add sb
result.add (none(Vec3), sb)
proc p1(input: Sensors): uint64 =
var sensorsDumbDistTable = newTable[int, DumbDistTable]()
for i,s in input.pairs:
echo s
var dumbDistTable: DumbDistTable = newTable[int, Vec3Pair]()
for pair in product([s, s]):
if pair[0] == pair[1]: continue
dumbDistTable[dumbDist(pair[0], pair[1])] = [pair[0], pair[1]]
sensorsDumbDistTable[i] = dumbDistTable
var sensorMatches = newTable[int, int]()
for s1, ddt1 in sensorsDumbDistTable:
var maxMatches = 0
let kkeys = ddt1.keys.toSeq.sorted
echo &"Sorted {kkeys.len} Keys for Sensor {s1}: {kkeys}"
for s2, ddt2 in sensorsDumbDistTable:
if s1 == s2: continue
var ddMatches: seq[int] = @[]
for dd, vs in ddt1:
if ddt2.hasKey(dd): ddMatches.add dd
if ddMatches.len > maxMatches:
maxMatches = ddMatches.len
sensorMatches[s1] = s2
echo &"{s1} and {s2} have {ddMatches.len} dd matches: {ddMatches}"
# TODO once we have a solid guess of which sensors overlap using the dumbDist
# method, we'll need to actual math (probably?) to figure out how figure out
# the relative translation and rotation of the overlapping sensor using the
# matched points. once we can do that, we can "correct" the points from each
# sensor's beacons and remove overlapping onces.
# barring "actual math", I hate to imagine that this ends with brute-forcing
echo sensorMatches
proc maybeGetScannerTransform(s1: Scanner, s2: Scanner): Option[(Vec3, Transform)] =
let (knownPos, beacons1) = s1
let (_, beacons2) = s2
for t in TRANSFORMS:
var dists = newCountTable[Vec3]()
for b1 in beacons1:
for b2 in beacons2:
let dist = b1 - (b2*t)
|||| dist
if dists[dist] >= 12:
return some (dist, t)
none (Vec3, Transform)
proc p2(input: Sensors): uint64 =
var scanners: seq[Scanner] = @[]
proc p1(input: seq[Scanner]): uint64 =
scanners = input
scanners[0][0] = some [0, 0, 0]
var known = @[0]
var needTransform = toSeq(1..<scanners.len)
while needTransform.len > 0:
block checker:
for ix in 0..<needTransform.len:
let i = needTransform[ix]
for ij in 0..<known.len:
let j = known[ij]
let mt = maybeGetScannerTransform(scanners[j], scanners[i])
if mt.isSome:
echo &"GOT ONE: {i} at {mt}"
let (offset, transform) = mt.get
echo &"Adding {i} (was at index {ix})"
known.add i
scanners[i][0] = some offset
scanners[i][1] = scanners[i][1].mapIt((it * transform) + offset)
break checker
var beaconPositions = toHashSet[Vec3] []
for s in scanners:
for b in s[1]:
beaconPositions.incl b
proc p2(input: seq[Scanner]): uint64 =
for s1 in scanners:
let (p1o, _) = s1
for s2 in scanners:
let (p2o, _) = s2
let p1 = p1o.get
let p2 = p2o.get
result = max(result, (abs(p1[0]-p2[0]) + abs(p1[1]-p2[1]) + abs(p1[2]-p2[2])).uint64)
const input = """
--- scanner 0 ---
@ -202,4 +225,4 @@ const input = """
doDayX 19, (n: int) => n.loadInput.parse, p1, p2, (input, 79'u64, 0'u64)
doDayX 19, (n: int) => n.loadInput.parse, p1, p2, (input, 79'u64, 3621'u64)
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