2020-12-04 01:14:56 -06:00
import streams, strutils, sets, sequtils, sugar, re, tables
proc matchingHeightRange(v: string): (int, int) =
if v.endsWith("cm"): return (150, 193)
elif v.endsWith("in"): return (59, 76)
proc isBetween(x: int, r: (int, int)): bool = x >= r[0] and x <= r[1]
proc validBirthYear(y: int): bool = y >= 1920 and y <= 2002
proc validIssuedYear(y: int): bool = y >= 2010 and y <= 2020
proc validExpiryYear(y: int): bool = y >= 2020 and y <= 2030
let nonDecimal = re"[^0-9]"
let hgt = re"\d+(cm|in)"
let hcl = re"#[0-9a-f]{6}"
let ecl = re"(amb|blu|brn|gry|grn|hzl|oth)"
let pid = re"\d{9}"
let validators = {
"hgt": (v: string) =>
v.match(hgt) and
"hcl": (v: string) => v.match hcl,
"ecl": (v: string) => v.match ecl,
"pid": (v: string) => v.match pid,
"byr": (v: string) => validBirthYear parseInt v,
"iyr": (v: string) => validIssuedYear parseInt v,
"eyr": (v: string) => validExpiryYear parseInt v,
"cid": (v: string) => true,
proc passportTable(passport: string): Table[string, string] =
passport.split(' ').filterIt(it != "").mapIt(it.split(':', 2)).mapIt((it[0], it[1])).toTable
iterator asPassports(s: Stream): Table[string, string] =
var p = ""
for l in s.lines:
p &= l & " "
if l == "" or s.atEnd:
yield p.passportTable
p = ""
proc hasRequiredFields(p: Table[string, string]): bool =
let optionalFields = ["cid"].toHashSet()
toSeq(p.keys).toHashSet.difference(optionalFields) ==
proc isValid(p: Table[string, string]): bool =
toSeq(p.pairs).mapIt(validators[it[0]](it[1])).foldl(a and b)
2020-12-03 22:49:54 -06:00
proc part1*(s: Stream): int =
2020-12-04 01:14:56 -06:00
2020-12-03 22:49:54 -06:00
proc part2*(s: Stream): int =
2020-12-04 01:14:56 -06:00
# TODO: off-by-one error?
toSeq(s.asPassports).filterIt(it.hasRequiredFields and it.isValid).len - 1